cpymad is linked against a library version of MAD-X, which means that in order to build cpymad you first have to compile MAD-X from source. The official madx executable is not sufficient. These steps are described in the following subsections:

Build MAD-X

In order to build MAD-X from source, please install the following build tools:

  • gcc >= 4.8

  • gfortran

  • CMake >= 3.0 (e.g. using pip install cmake)

Other C/C++/fortran compiler suites may work too but are untested as of now.

Download and extract the latest MAD-X release from github, e.g.:

curl -L -O
tar -xzf 5.09.03.tar.gz

or directly checkout the source code using git (unstable):

git clone

On Mac, you currently also have to apply the following patch to the MAD-X source, to make the build work:

curl -L -O
patch -d ./MAD-X -p1 <fix-macos-symbol-not-found-mad_argc.patch

We will do an out-of-source build in a build/ subdirectory. This way, you can easily delete the build directory and restart if anything goes wrong. The basic process looks as follows:

pip install --upgrade cmake

mkdir MAD-X/build
cd MAD-X/build

cmake .. \
    -DCMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER=gfortran \
    -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
cmake --build . --target install

Here we have specified a custom installation prefix to prevent cmake from installing MAD-X to a system directory (which would require root privileges, and may be harder to remove completely). You can also set a more permanent install location if you prefer, but keep in mind that there is no uninstall command other than removing the files manually.

The cmake command has many more options, but these are untested on Mac so far.

Save the path to the install directory in the MADXDIR environment variable. This variable will be used later by the script to locate the MAD-X headers and library, for example:

export MADXDIR="$(pwd)"/../dist

Building cpymad

Install setup requirements:

pip install -U cython wheel setuptools delocate

Enter the cpymad folder, and build as follows:

export CC=gcc

python build_ext

If you have installed blas/lapack and MAD-X found it during the cmake step, you have to pass them as additional link libraries:

python build_ext -lblas -llapack

You can now create and install a wheel as follows (however, note that this wheel probably won’t be fit to be distributed to other systems):

python bdist_wheel
delocate-wheel dist/*.whl
pip install dist/cpymad-*.whl

If you plan on changing cpymad code, do the following instead:

pip install -e .