This module defines the toplevel context that is used in madgui to keep track
of current model, config, online control, and mainwindow.
__all__ = [
import glob
import os
import sys
from types import SimpleNamespace
import numpy as np
from madgui.util.collections import Boxed, Selection
from madgui.util.misc import relpath, userpath
from madgui.online.control import Control
from madgui.core.config import load as load_config
from madgui.model.match import Matcher
import madgui.util.yaml as yaml
[docs]class Session:
Context variables and top-level application logic for a madgui session,
i.e. the interaction between user and different parts of the computer
program. This object keeps track and coordinates the use of the currently
opened model, GUI window, user variables, control system connection, and
configuration data.
def __init__(self, config=None):
if config is None:
config = load_config()
self.config = config
self.window = Boxed(None)
self.model = Boxed(None)
self.control = Control(self)
self.matcher = None
self.user_ns = user_ns = SimpleNamespace()
self.session_file = userpath(config.session_file)
self.folder = userpath(config.model_path)
self.selected_elements = Selection()
# Maintain these members into the namespace
subscribe(user_ns, 'model', self.model)
subscribe(user_ns, 'window', self.window)
user_ns.config = config
user_ns.context = self
user_ns.control = self.control
[docs] def on_model_changed(self, old, new):
self.selected_elements = Selection()
if old:
self.matcher = None
if new:
self.matcher = Matcher(new, self.config.get('matching'))
[docs] def set_interpolate(self, points_per_meter):
self.config.interpolate = points_per_meter
model = self.model()
if model:
model.interpolate = points_per_meter
[docs] def terminate(self):
if self.session_file:
self.session_file = None
if self.control.is_connected():
[docs] def load_default(self, model=None):
config = self.config
filename = model or config.load_default
if filename:
if self.control.can_connect() and config.online_control.connect:
[docs] def load_model(self, name, **madx_args):
filename = self.find_model(name)
exts = ('.cpymad.yml', '.madx', '.str', '.seq')
if not filename.endswith(exts):
raise NotImplementedError("Unsupported file format: {}"
from madgui.model.madx import Model
filename, **dict(self.model_args(filename), **madx_args)))
known_extensions = ['.cpymad.yml', '.madx']
[docs] def find_model(self, name):
for path in [name, os.path.join(self.folder or '.', name)]:
path = expand_ext(path, '', *self.known_extensions)
if os.path.isfile(path):
return path
if os.path.isdir(path):
models = (glob.glob(os.path.join(path, '*.cpymad.yml')) +
glob.glob(os.path.join(path, '*.madx')))
if models:
return models[0]
raise OSError("File not found: {!r}".format(name))
[docs] def model_args(self, filename):
"""Please OVERRIDE to provide custom model arguments."""
return {'interpolate': self.config.interpolate}
[docs] def save(self, filename):
"""Save session state to file."""
yaml.save_file(filename, self.session_data())
[docs] def session_data(self):
folder = self.config.model_path or self.folder
default = self.model() and relpath(self.model().filename, folder)
data = {
'online_control': {
'backend': self.control.backend_spec,
'connect': self.control.is_connected(),
'monitors': self.config.online_control['monitors'],
'offsets': self.config.online_control['offsets'],
'settings': self.control.export_settings() or {},
'model_path': folder,
'load_default': default,
'number': self.config['number'],
if self.window():
return data
def subscribe(ns, key, boxed):
"""Update ``ns[key]`` with the current value of a ``Boxed``."""
setter = lambda val: setattr(ns, key, val)
def expand_ext(path, *exts):
"""Add the first of the given file extensions ``exts`` to ``path`` that
refers to an existing file."""
for ext in exts:
if os.path.isfile(path+ext):
return path+ext
return path