Source code for madgui.plot.twissfigure

Utilities to create a plot of some TWISS parameter along the accelerator

__all__ = [

import math
import logging
from types import SimpleNamespace

from madgui.util.yaml import load_resource

from madgui.util.unit import to_ui, get_raw_label, ui_units
from madgui.plot.scene import LineBundle, plot_line

import matplotlib.patheffects as pe
import matplotlib.colors as mpl_colors

CONFIG = load_resource(__package__, 'twissfigure.yml')
ELEM_STYLES = CONFIG['element_style']

[docs]def plot_curve(axes, data, x_name, y_name, style, label=None): """Plot a TWISS parameter curve model into a 2D figure.""" def get_xydata(): table = data() if callable(data) else data xdata = _get_curve_data(table, x_name) ydata = _get_curve_data(table, y_name) if xdata is None or ydata is None: return (), () return xdata, ydata return plot_line(axes, get_xydata, label=label, **style)
[docs]def plot_element_indicators(ax, elements, elem_styles=ELEM_STYLES, default_style=None, effects=None, **defaults): """Plot element indicators, i.e. create lattice layout plot.""" return LineBundle([ plot_element_indicator( ax, elem, elem_styles, default_style, effects, **defaults) for elem in elements ])
[docs]def draw_patch(ax, position, length, style): at = to_ui('s', position) if length != 0: patch_w = to_ui('l', length) return ax.axvspan(at, at + patch_w, **style) else: return ax.axvline(at, **style)
[docs]def plot_element_indicator(ax, elem, elem_styles=ELEM_STYLES, default_style=None, effects=None, **defaults): """Return the element type name used for properties like coloring.""" type_name = elem.base_name.lower() style = elem_styles.get(type_name, default_style) if style is None: return LineBundle() axes_dirs = {n[-1] for n in ax.y_name} & set("xy") # sigmoid flavor with convenient output domain [-1,+1]: sigmoid = math.tanh style = dict(defaults, zorder=0, **style) styles = [(style, elem.position, elem.length)] if type_name == 'quadrupole': invert = ax.y_name[0].endswith('y') k1 = float(elem.k1) * 100 # scale = 0.1/m² scale = sigmoid(k1) * (1-2*invert) style['color'] = ((1+scale)/2, (1-abs(scale))/2, (1-scale)/2) elif type_name == 'sbend': angle = float(elem.angle) * 180/math.pi # scale = 1 degree ydis = sigmoid(angle) * (-0.15) style['ymin'] += ydis style['ymax'] += ydis # MAD-X uses the condition k0=0 to check whether the attribute # should be used (against my recommendations, and even though that # means you can never have a kick that exactlycounteracts the # bending angle): if elem.k0 != 0 and 'hkicker' in elem_styles: style = dict(elem_styles['hkicker'], ymin=style['ymin'], ymax=style['ymax']) styles.append((style, elem.position+elem.length/2, 0)) type_name = 'hkicker' if type_name in ('hkicker', 'vkicker'): axis = "xy"[type_name.startswith('v')] kick = float(elem.kick) * 10000 # scale = 0.1 mrad ydis = sigmoid(kick) * 0.1 style['ymin'] += ydis style['ymax'] += ydis if axis not in axes_dirs: style['alpha'] = 0.2 effects = effects or (lambda x: x) return LineBundle([ draw_patch(ax, position, length, effects(style)) for style, position, length in styles ])
[docs]def indicator_params(elem): """Return the parameters used by ``plot_element_indicator``. This is useful for caching a reduced set of parameters that is faster to compare for changes.""" base_name = elem.base_name ns = SimpleNamespace( position=elem.position, length=elem.length, base_name=elem.base_name) if base_name == 'sbend': ns.angle = elem.angle ns.k0 = elem.k0 ns.kick = elem.kick elif base_name == 'quadrupole': ns.k1 = elem.k1 elif base_name.endswith('kicker'): ns.kick = elem.kick return ns
[docs]def plot_constraint(ax, scene, constraint): """Draw one constraint representation in the graph.""" elem, pos, axis, val = constraint style = scene.config['constraint_style'] return LineBundle(ax.plot( to_ui('s', pos), to_ui(axis, val), **style) if axis in ax.y_name else ())
[docs]def plot_selection_marker(ax, model, el_idx, elem_styles=ELEM_STYLES, highlight=True): """In-figure markers for active/selected elements.""" elem = model.elements[el_idx] drift_color = '#ffffff' if highlight else '#eeeeee' default = dict(ymin=0, ymax=1, color=drift_color) effects = _hover_effects if highlight else _selection_effects return plot_element_indicator(ax, elem, elem_styles, default, effects)
def _selection_effects(style): r, g, b = mpl_colors.colorConverter.to_rgb(style['color']) h, s, v = mpl_colors.rgb_to_hsv((r, g, b)) s = (s + 0) / 2 v = (v + 1) / 2 return dict( style, color=mpl_colors.hsv_to_rgb((h, s, v)), path_effects=[ pe.withStroke(linewidth=2, foreground='#000000', alpha=1.0), ], ) def _hover_effects(style): r, g, b = mpl_colors.colorConverter.to_rgb(style['color']) h, s, v = mpl_colors.rgb_to_hsv((r, g, b)) s = (s + 0) / 1.5 v = (v + 0) / 1.025 return dict( style, color=mpl_colors.hsv_to_rgb((h, s, v)), path_effects=[ pe.withStroke(linewidth=1, foreground='#000000', alpha=1.0), ], ) def plot_twiss_curve(ax, table, x_name, y_name, label, style): style = with_outline(style) label = ax_label(label, ui_units.get(y_name)) return plot_curves(ax, table, style, label, [(x_name, y_name)]) def plot_user_curve(ax, data, x_names, y_names, label, style): style = CONFIG[style] if isinstance(style, str) else style return plot_curves(ax, data, style, label, list(zip(x_names, y_names)))
[docs]def plot_curves(ax, data, style, label, names): return LineBundle([ plot_curve(ax, data, x_name, y_name, style, label=label) for x_name, y_name in zip(ax.x_name, ax.y_name) if (x_name, y_name) in names ])
def _get_curve_data(data, name): try: return to_ui(name, data[name]) except KeyError: logging.debug("Missing curve data {!r}, we only know: {}" .format(name, ','.join(data)))
[docs]def ax_label(label, unit): if unit in (1, None): return label return "{} [{}]".format(label, get_raw_label(unit))
def with_outline(style, linewidth=6, foreground='w', alpha=0.7): return dict(style, path_effects=[ pe.withStroke(linewidth=linewidth, foreground=foreground, alpha=alpha), ])