Source code for madgui.survey.shapes

from math import pi
import numpy as np
from .transform import gl_array

import OpenGL.GL as GL

[docs]def disc(r, n1, dir=1): """Return ``(vertices, normals, indices, mode)`` of a disc in the X-Y plane with center at Z=X=Y=0.""" t1 = np.linspace(0, 2*pi, n1, dtype=np.float32) vertices = r * np.stack([ np.cos(t1), np.sin(t1), 0 * t1, ]).T vertices = np.vstack((gl_array([0, 0, 0]), vertices)) normals = gl_array([0, 0, 1]) * np.ones((n1, 1), dtype=np.float32) * dir indices = np.arange(n1 + 1, dtype=np.uint32) return (vertices, normals, indices, GL.GL_TRIANGLE_FAN)
[docs]def cylinder(l, r, n1, n0=2): """Return ``(vertices, normals, indices, mode)`` of a cylinder with radius ``r`` around the Z axis, starting at ``Z=0``, ending at ``Z=l``.""" z0 = np.zeros(n0, dtype=np.float32)[:, None] t0 = np.linspace(0, l, n0, dtype=np.float32)[:, None] t1 = np.linspace(0, 2*pi, n1, dtype=np.float32)[None, :] centers = np.stack([z0, z0, t0]) normals = np.stack([ np.cos(t1), np.sin(t1), 0 * t1, ]) + z0 vertices = centers + r * normals return _tube_strip(vertices, normals)
[docs]def torus_arc(r0, r1, n0, n1, ang0=2*pi, ang1=2*pi): """ Return (vertices, normals, draw indices, mode) of rounded pipe a.k.a. torus with x-y plane symmetry centered at ``(0, 0, 0)``. The returned vertices are generated by revolving a circular segment C1 about the coplanar z axis, with C1's center coordinates being described by the circular segment C0. Both circular segments are desribed by triples: (r, n, ang) = (radius, num_points, angle). """ # e_phi = (cos(s0), sin(s0), 0) # e_z = (0, 0, 1) # center = r * e_phi # phi, z = cos(s1), sin(s1) # result = center + phi * e_phi + z * e_z z0 = np.zeros(n0, dtype=np.float32)[:, None] t0 = np.linspace(0, ang0, n0, dtype=np.float32)[:, None] t1 = np.linspace(0, ang1, n1, dtype=np.float32)[None, :] c0, s0 = np.cos(t0), np.sin(t0) c1, s1 = np.cos(t1), np.sin(t1) centers = np.stack([c0, s0, z0]) * r0 normals = np.stack([ c1 * c0, c1 * s0, s1 + z0, ]) vertices = centers + r1 * normals return _tube_strip(vertices, normals)
def _tube_strip(vertices, normals): n0, n1 = vertices.shape[1:] indices = np.arange(n0 * n1, dtype=np.uint32).reshape((n0, n1)) strips = np.stack(( indices[:-1, :], indices[+1:, :], )) vertices = vertices.transpose((1, 2, 0)).reshape((-1, 3)) normals = normals.transpose((1, 2, 0)).reshape((-1, 3)) strips = strips.transpose((1, 2, 0)).reshape((-1,)) return vertices, normals, strips, GL.GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP