Source code for madgui.survey.widget

Components to draw a 3D floor plan of a given MAD-X lattice.

# TODO: entry/exit pole faces
# TODO: load styles from config + UI
# TODO: add exporters for common 3D data formats (obj+mtl/collada/ply?)
# TODO: customize settings via UI (wireframe etc)
# TODO: highlight selected elements
# TODO: front-to-back highlighting animation (indicating direction)
# TODO: draw axis cross + arrows
# TODO: element-dependent shapes, e.g. SEXTUPOLES, QUADRUPOLES, DIPOLES should
#       look these, and color-mapped according to polarization, KICKERS maybe
#       as rectangles

__all__ = [

from collections import namedtuple
from math import pi

import numpy as np
from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt
from PyQt5.QtGui import QColor
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QWidget, QPushButton

from madgui.util.layout import VBoxLayout

from .transform import gl_array, rotate, translate
from .shapes import cylinder, torus_arc, disc
from .gl_util import Object3D
from .gl_widget import GLWidget

FloorCoords = namedtuple('FloorCoords', ['x', 'y', 'z', 'theta', 'phi', 'psi'])
ObjectStyle = namedtuple('ObjectStyle', ['width', 'color', 'alpha'])

DEFAULT_STYLE = ObjectStyle(0.5, 'black', 0.2)
    'KICKER':      ObjectStyle(0.6, 'purple', 0.2),
    'HKICKER':     ObjectStyle(0.6, 'purple', 0.2),
    'VKICKER':     ObjectStyle(0.6, 'purple', 0.2),
    'SBEND':       ObjectStyle(0.6, 'red',    0.2),
    'QUADRUPOLE':  ObjectStyle(0.4, 'blue',   0.2),
    'SEXTUPOLE':   ObjectStyle(0.5, 'yellow', 0.2),
    'DRIFT':       ObjectStyle(0.1, 'black',  0.2),
    'MARKER':      ObjectStyle(1.0, 'white',  0.8),
    'RFCAVITY':    ObjectStyle(0.4, 'yellow', 0.2),
    'MONITOR':     ObjectStyle(1.0, 'green',  0.2),
    'INSTRUMENT':  ObjectStyle(1.0, 'green',  0.2),
    'COLLIMATOR':  ObjectStyle(0.6, 'orange', 0.2),
    'RCOLLIMATOR': ObjectStyle(0.6, 'orange', 0.2),
    'MULTIPOLE':   ObjectStyle(0.6, 'orange', 0.2),
    'SOLENOID':    ObjectStyle(1.0, 'orange', 0.2),
    'SROTATION':   ObjectStyle(2.0, 'pink',   0.1),

[docs]class FloorPlanWidget(QWidget): """A widget that shows a 3D scene of the accelerator.""" thin_element_length = 0.005 # draw thin elements as 5mm long circle_points_per_m = 200.0 def __init__(self, session): super().__init__() self.setWindowTitle("3D floor plan") self.gl_widget = GLWidget(self.create_items) self.gl_widget.camera_speed = 10 self.gl_widget.update_interval = 10 self.setLayout(VBoxLayout([ self.gl_widget, [ self._button("Z|X", -pi/2, -pi/2), self._button("X|Y", 0, 0), self._button("Z|Y", -pi/2, 0), ], ])) # Keep focus on the GL widget, prevent buttons from stealing focus: for child in self.findChildren(QWidget): child.setFocusPolicy( Qt.ClickFocus if child is self.gl_widget else Qt.NoFocus) self.gl_widget.setFocus() self.model = None self.set_session(session) def _button(self, label, *args): button = QPushButton(label) button.clicked.connect(lambda:*args)) return button
[docs] def session_data(self): return {}
[docs] def closeEvent(self, event): super().closeEvent(event)
[docs] def set_session(self, session): """Set session.""" session.user_ns.gl_widget = self.gl_widget session.model.changed.connect(self._set_model) self._set_model(session.model())
def _set_model(self, model): """Recreates scene after model has changed.""" # TODO: only update when SBEND/MULTIPOLE/SROTATION etc changes? if self.model: self.model.updated.disconnect(self._updateSurvey) self.model = model if model: self.model.updated.connect(self._updateSurvey) self._updateSurvey() def _updateSurvey(self): """Recreate and update the scene.""" survey = self.model.survey() array = np.array([survey[key] for key in FloorCoords._fields]) floor = [FloorCoords(*row) for row in array.T] self.setElements(self.model.elements, floor)
[docs] def setElements(self, elements, survey): """Set scene using given elements and floor coordinates.""" self.elements = elements self.survey = survey self.gl_widget.create_scene()
[docs] def create_items(self, camera): """Turn the MAD-X sequence of elements into a list of ``Object3D`` constituting the scene to be drawn.""" if not self.model: return [] elements = self.elements survey = [FloorCoords(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)] + self.survey points = np.array([[f.x, f.y, f.z] for f in survey]) bounds = np.array([np.min(points, axis=0), np.max(points, axis=0)]) center = np.mean(bounds, axis=0) = center camera.distance = np.max(np.linalg.norm(points - center, axis=1)) + 1 camera.look_from(camera.theta, camera.phi, camera.psi) return [ item for element, coords in zip(elements, zip(survey, survey[1:])) for item in self.create_element_items(element, coords) ]
[docs] def create_element_items(self, element, coords): """Create an ``Object3D`` for a single beam line element. Use the supplied color and tube diameter.""" thick = element.l > 0 if thick: # Show continuous drift tubes through all elements: yield from self.create_object( element, coords, *getElementStyle(element, 'DRIFT')) if element.base_name != 'drift': yield from self.create_object( element, coords, *getElementStyle(element))
[docs] def create_object(self, element, coords, color, width): start, end = coords color = gl_array(color.getRgbF()) radius = width/2 # TODO: sanitize rotation... rot = rotate(-start.theta, -start.phi, -start.psi) tra = translate(start.x, start.y, start.z) transform = tra @ rot.T angle = float(element.get('angle', 0.0)) l = element.l n1 = max(round(radius * self.circle_points_per_m), 20) shader_program = self.gl_widget.shader_program if l == 0: # Thin elements should appear as transparent discs. Internally, we # draw very short tubes to improve the visual appearance: # - need two opposite facing discs in order to have view-angle # independent overlapping # - need tube to display an outline. GL_LINES does not work well! l = self.thin_element_length inner_radius = ELEMENT_STYLE['DRIFT'].width / 2 * 1.001 inner_points = max(round(inner_radius * self.circle_points_per_m), 20) circle_color = gl_array([1, 1, 1, 1]) forth = translate(0, 0, l/2) back = translate(0, 0, -l/2) # outlines: yield Object3D( shader_program, transform @ back, circle_color, *cylinder(l, r=inner_radius, n1=inner_points)) yield Object3D( shader_program, transform @ back, circle_color, *cylinder(l, r=radius, n1=n1)) # caps on each end: yield Object3D( shader_program, transform @ forth, color, *disc(radius, n1=n1, dir=+1)) yield Object3D( shader_program, transform @ back, color, *disc(radius, n1=n1, dir=-1)) elif angle: # this works the same for negative angle! r0 = l / angle n0 = round(5 * l) + 1 local_transform = rotate(0, -pi/2, 0) @ translate(-r0, 0, 0) yield Object3D( shader_program, transform @ local_transform, color, *torus_arc(r0, radius, n0, n1, angle)) else: yield Object3D( shader_program, transform, color, *cylinder(l, r=radius, n1=n1))
def getElementStyle(element, base_name=None): """Lookup element color.""" style = ELEMENT_STYLE.get( base_name or element.base_name.upper(), DEFAULT_STYLE) color = QColor(style.color) if element.l == 0: color.setAlphaF(style.alpha) return color, style.width if __name__ == '__main__': from import main main(None, FloorPlanWidget)