Source code for

Utilities for fitting objective functions.

__all__ = [

from itertools import count
from functools import partial

import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize as sciopt

[docs]def reduced_chisq(residuals, ddof=0): """Compute reduced chi-squared.""" residuals = np.abs(residuals.flatten()) residuals = residuals[~np.isnan(residuals)] return, residuals) / (len(residuals) - ddof)
[docs]def fit_basinhopping( f, x0, iterations=20, T=1.0, stepsize=0.01, **kwargs): """Global optimization of ``f(x) = y`` based on :func:`scipy.optimize.basinhopping`.""" def minimize(f, x0, callback=None, **kwargs): return sciopt.basinhopping( f, x0, niter=iterations, T=T, stepsize=stepsize, minimizer_kwargs=kwargs, callback=callback) return _scipy_minimize(minimize, f, x0, **kwargs)
[docs]def fit_diffevo( f, x0, delta=1e-3, bounds=None, iterations=20, method='best1bin', **kwargs): """Global optimization of ``f(x) = y`` based on :func:`scipy.optimize.differential_evolution`.""" if bounds is None: bounds = [(x - 10*delta, x + 10*delta) for x in x0] def minimize(f, x0, jac=None, **kwargs): return sciopt.differential_evolution( f, bounds, strategy=method, maxiter=iterations, **kwargs) return _scipy_minimize(minimize, f, x0, **kwargs)
[docs]def fit_minimize(f, x0, iterations=None, **kwargs): """Fit objective function ``f(x) = y`` using least-squares fit via ``scipy.optimize.minimize``.""" def minimize(f, x0, **kwargs): options = {'maxiter': iterations} return sciopt.minimize(f, x0, options=options, **kwargs) return _scipy_minimize(minimize, f, x0, **kwargs)
def _scipy_minimize( minimizer, f, x0, delta=None, jac=None, callback=None, **kwargs): state = sciopt.OptimizeResult( x=x0, fun=None, chisq=None, nit=0, success=False, message="In progress.") def callback_wrapper(x, *_): state.nit += 1 state.dx = x - state.x state.x = x = f(x) state.chisq = reduced_chisq( callback(state) def obj_fun(x): return reduced_chisq(f(x)) if jac is None and delta is not None: jac = partial(jac_twopoint, obj_fun, delta=delta) result = minimizer( obj_fun, x0, jac=jac, callback=callback and callback_wrapper, **kwargs) = f(result.x) result.chisq = reduced_chisq( return result
[docs]def fit_svd(f, x0, jac=None, tol=1e-8, delta=None, iterations=None, callback=None, rcond=1e-2): """Fit objective function ``f(x) = y`` using a naive repeated linear least-squares fit using the svd-based pseudo inverse.""" return fit_lstsq( f, x0, jac=jac, tol=tol, delta=delta, iterations=iterations, callback=callback, rcond=rcond, lstsq=_lstsq_svd)
[docs]def fit_lstsq(f, x0, jac=None, tol=1e-8, delta=None, iterations=None, callback=None, rcond=1e-2, lstsq=None): """Fit objective function ``f(x) = y`` using a naive repeated linear least-squares fit.""" dx = 0 for nit in count(): y0 = f(x0) if callback is not None: chisq = reduced_chisq(y0) callback(sciopt.OptimizeResult( x=x0, fun=y0, chisq=chisq, nit=nit, dx=dx, success=False, message="In progress.")) if nit > 0 and np.allclose(dx, 0, atol=tol): message = "Reached convergence" success = True break if iterations is not None and nit > iterations: message = "Reached max number of iterations" success = False break dx, dy = fit_lstsq_oneshot( lstsq, f, x0, y0=y0, jac=jac, delta=delta, rcond=rcond) x0 += dx chisq = reduced_chisq(y0) return sciopt.OptimizeResult( x=x0, fun=y0, chisq=chisq, nit=nit, success=success, message=message)
[docs]def fit_lstsq_oneshot(lstsq, f, x0, y0=None, delta=None, jac=None, rcond=1e-8): """Single least squares fit for ``f(x) = y`` around ``x0``. Returns ``(Δx, Δy)``, where ``Δy`` is the linear hypothesis for how much ``y`` will change due to change in ``x``.""" if y0 is None: y0 = f(x0) if jac is None: jac = partial(jac_twopoint, f, y0=y0, delta=delta) A = jac(x0) Y = -y0 n = Y.size A = A.reshape((-1, n)).T Y = Y.reshape((-1, 1)) X = (lstsq or np.linalg.lstsq)(A, Y, rcond=rcond)[0] return X.flatten(),, X).reshape(y0.shape)
def _lstsq_svd(A, Y, rcond=1e-3): u, s, v = np.linalg.svd(A, full_matrices=False) cutoff = s.max() * rcond s_inv = np.array([1/c if c >= cutoff else 0 for c in s]) X =,[:, None] * u.T, Y)) return X, reduced_chisq(Y -, X))
[docs]def jac_twopoint(f, x0, y0=None, delta=1e-3): """Compute jacobian ``df/dx_i`` using two point-finite differencing.""" if y0 is None: y0 = f(x0) return np.array([ (f(x0 + dx) - y0) / np.linalg.norm(dx) for dx in np.eye(len(x0)) * delta ])
supported_optimizers = { 'svd': fit_svd, 'lstsq': fit_lstsq, 'minimize': fit_minimize, 'basinhopping': fit_basinhopping, 'diffevo': fit_diffevo, }
[docs]def fit(f, x0, algorithm='minimize', **kwargs) -> sciopt.OptimizeResult: """Fit objective function ``f(x) = y``, start from ``x0``. Returns ``scipy.optimize.OptimizeResult``.""" try: fun = supported_optimizers[algorithm] except KeyError: raise ValueError("Unknown optimizer: {!r}".format(algorithm)) return fun(f, x0, **kwargs)