Source code for madgui.util.unit

Utilities for converting between units of physical quantities, e.g. meters to
millimeters, etc. This is done using the Pint_ library.

Note that we do not use pint to wrap quantities that are passed around within
madgui internally, as it would be the idiomatic approach: add units on input,
internally work with quantities with units attached, remove units on output.

Instead, we convert units usually only on input and then assume everything is
in `MAD-X units`_. The reason is that using quantities internally infects the
whole applications and requires unpack/repack operations in hundreds of
places. This amount of book-keeping is not justified in a space, where we can
almost exclusively rely on MAD-X units being used anyway.

Furthermore, we pass around strings internally and not ``Unit`` objects. This
simplifies interoperability with external packages and the performance cost
for parsing the unit multiple times is negligible (since it rarely needs to be
done now anyway).

The most frequent usage of this module is to convert a number between internal
(MAD-X) and UI display units. This works as follows:

.. code-block:: python

    in_madx_units = from_ui({'energy': textcontrol_energy.text()})

    in_ui_units = to_ui({'energy': 450})

.. _Pint:
.. _MAD-X units:

__all__ = [

from numbers import Number

import numpy as np
import pint

import madgui.util.yaml as yaml

# Global registry of units known to us:
units = pint.UnitRegistry(on_redefinition='ignore')
units.default_format = 'P~'     # make `str(quantity)` slightly nicer
units.define('ratio = []')
units.define('percent = 0.01 ratio = %')
units.define('permille = 0.001 ratio = ‰')
units.define('degree = pi / 180 * radian = °'
             '= deg = arcdeg = arcdegree = angular_degree')

[docs]def get_unit(quantity): """Return a ``Quantity`` object with the same unit as ``quantity``, but magnitude 1 (one). Returns ``None`` if ``quantity`` does not have a unit.""" if isinstance(quantity, units.Quantity): return units.Quantity(1, quantity.units) return None
[docs]def add_unit(quantity, unit): """Add a unit to the number ``quantity``. If ``quantity`` already has a unit, it will perform unit conversion.""" if quantity is None or unit is None: return quantity if isinstance(quantity, units.Quantity): return return quantity * unit
[docs]def strip_unit(quantity, unit=None): """Convert the quantity to a plain float.""" if quantity is None: return None if unit is None: try: return quantity.magnitude except AttributeError: return quantity if isinstance(unit, (list, tuple)): # FIXME: 'zip' truncates without warning if not enough units # are defined return [ for q, u in zip(quantity, unit)] try: return except AttributeError: return quantity
[docs]def change_unit(quantity, from_unit, to_unit): return strip_unit( add_unit(quantity, from_config(from_unit)), from_config(to_unit))
[docs]def toquantity(value): if value is None: return None if isinstance(value, units.Quantity): return value return units.Quantity(value)
[docs]def tounit(quantity, unit): """Cast the quantity to a specific unit.""" if quantity is None: return None if unit is None: unit = 1 return toquantity(quantity).to(toquantity(unit))
[docs]def format_quantity(quantity, num_spec=''): """Get a nice display string for the quantity.""" num_fmt = '{:' + num_spec + '}' if isinstance(quantity, units.Quantity): magn = num_fmt.format(quantity.magnitude) unit = get_raw_label(quantity) return magn + ' ' + unit else: return num_fmt.format(quantity)
[docs]def get_raw_label(quantity): """Get the name of the unit, without enclosing brackets.""" if quantity is None: return '' if isinstance(quantity, list): return '[{}]'.format(', '.join(map(get_raw_label, quantity))) quantity = from_config(quantity) if not isinstance(quantity, units.Quantity): return '' short = pint.unit.UnitsContainer( {units._get_symbol(key): value for key, value in quantity.units._units.items()}) as_ratio = any(exp > 0 for _, exp in short.items()) return pint.formatting.formatter( short.items(), as_ratio=as_ratio, single_denominator=True, product_fmt='·', division_fmt='/', power_fmt='{0}{1}', parentheses_fmt='({0})', exp_call=pint.formatting._pretty_fmt_exponent, )
[docs]def from_config(unit): """ Parse a config entry for a unit to a :class:`pint.unit.Quantity` instance. The pint parser is quite powerful. Valid examples are: s / m² microsecond 10 rad m^-2 """ if isinstance(unit, (units.Unit, units.Quantity, float, int)): return unit if not unit: return None if isinstance(unit, list): return [from_config(u) for u in unit] if isinstance(unit, bytes): unit = unit.decode('utf-8') unit = '{}'.format(unit) # as of pint-0.8.1 the following symbols fail to be parsed: unit = unit.replace('%', 'percent') unit = unit.replace('‰', 'permille') return units(unit)
[docs]class UnitConverter: """ Quantity converter. Used to add and remove units from quanitities and evaluate expressions. :ivar dict _units: unit dictionary """ def __init__(self, units): self._units = units
[docs] @classmethod def from_config_dict(cls, conf_dict): """Convert a config dict of units to their in-memory representation.""" return cls({ k.lower(): from_config(v) for k, v in conf_dict.items() })
[docs] def get(self, name): return self._units.get(name.lower()) if isinstance(name, str) else name
[docs] def label(self, name, value=None): """Get the name of the unit for the specified parameter name.""" unit = self.get(name) if unit is None or value is None: return get_raw_label(unit) return get_raw_label(self._add_unit(value, unit))
[docs] def add_unit(self, name, value): """Add units to a single number.""" unit = self.get(name) if unit: if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): # FIXME: 'zip' truncates without warning if not enough units # are defined return [self._add_unit(v, u) for v, u in zip(value, unit)] return self._add_unit(value, unit) else: return value
def _add_unit(self, value, unit): if value is None or unit is None: return value elif isinstance(unit, list): return [self._add_unit(v, u) for v, u in zip(value, unit)] elif isinstance(value, units.Quantity): return tounit(value, unit) elif isinstance(value, (Number, np.ndarray)): return unit * value else: return value
[docs] def strip_unit(self, name, value): """Convert to MAD-X units.""" return strip_unit(value, self.get(name))
[docs] def dict_add_unit(self, obj): """Add units to all elements in a dictionary.""" return obj.__class__((k, self.add_unit(k, obj[k])) for k in obj)
[docs] def dict_strip_unit(self, obj): """Remove units from all elements in a dictionary.""" return obj.__class__((k, self.strip_unit(k, obj[k])) for k in obj)
madx_units = UnitConverter.from_config_dict(yaml.load_resource( '', 'madx_units.yml')) ui_units = UnitConverter.from_config_dict(yaml.load_resource( '', 'ui_units.yml'))
[docs]def convert(from_, to, *args): if len(args) == 1: return to.dict_strip_unit(from_.dict_add_unit(*args)) if len(args) == 2: return to.strip_unit(args[0], from_.add_unit(*args)) if len(args) == 3: return to.strip_unit(args[0], from_.add_unit(*args[1:])) raise TypeError("convert can only be called with one or two arguments.")
[docs]def from_ui(*args): return convert(ui_units, madx_units, *args)
[docs]def to_ui(*args): return convert(madx_units, ui_units, *args)