Source code for madgui.widget.edit

Provides an editor control with line numbers.

__all__ = [

from PyQt5.QtCore import QRect, Qt, QSize
from PyQt5.QtGui import QPainter
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QWidget, QDialog, QDialogButtonBox, QPlainTextEdit

from madgui.util.qt import monospace
from madgui.util.layout import VBoxLayout, HBoxLayout

[docs]class LineNumberBar(QWidget): """Widget that displays line numbers for a QPlainTextEdit.""" # Thanks to: # def __init__(self, edit): super().__init__(edit) self.edit = edit self.adjustWidth(1) edit.blockCountChanged.connect(self.adjustWidth) edit.updateRequest.connect(self.updateContents)
[docs] def paintEvent(self, event): edit = self.edit font_metrics = edit.fontMetrics() block = edit.firstVisibleBlock() count = block.blockNumber() painter = QPainter(self) painter.fillRect(event.rect(), edit.palette().base()) first = True while block.isValid(): count += 1 block_top = edit.blockBoundingGeometry(block).translated( edit.contentOffset()).top() if not block.isVisible() or block_top > event.rect().bottom(): break rect = QRect(0, block_top, self.width(), font_metrics.height()) self.draw_block(painter, rect, block, first) first = False block = painter.end() super().paintEvent(event)
[docs] def adjustWidth(self, count): width = self.calc_width(count) if self.width() != width: self.setFixedWidth(width)
[docs] def updateContents(self, rect, scroll): if scroll: self.scroll(0, scroll) else: self.update()
[docs] def draw_block(self, painter, rect, block, first): """Draw the info corresponding to a given block (text line) of the text document. This method can be overriden by subclasses (with care). :param QPainter painter: painter for the current widget :param QRect rect: clipping rect for the text to be drawn :param QTextBlock block: associated text block in the text edit :param bool first: indicates the topmost visible block on screen """ count = block.blockNumber()+1 if count != block.document().blockCount() or block.text(): painter.drawText(rect, Qt.AlignRight, str(count))
[docs] def calc_width(self, count): """Calculate the widget width in pixels required to hold line numbers up to the given ``count``.""" return self.fontMetrics().width(str(count))
[docs]class TextEditDialog(QDialog): """Text edit dialog with line numbers.""" def __init__(self, text, apply_callback): super().__init__() self.apply_callback = apply_callback self.textbox = QPlainTextEdit() self.textbox.setFont(monospace()) self.linenos = LineNumberBar(self.textbox) buttons = QDialogButtonBox() buttons.addButton(buttons.Ok).clicked.connect(self.accept) self.setLayout(VBoxLayout([ HBoxLayout([self.linenos, self.textbox], tight=True), buttons, ])) self.setSizeGripEnabled(True) self.resize(QSize(600, 400)) self.textbox.appendPlainText(text)
[docs] def accept(self): if self.apply(): super().accept()
[docs] def apply(self): text = self.textbox.toPlainText() return self.apply_callback(text)