Source code for madgui.widget.elementinfo

Info boxes to display element detail.

__all__ = [

from functools import partial

from math import sqrt, pi, atan2

from madgui.widget.plot import mpl_backend
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from matplotlib.patches import Ellipse
from PyQt5.QtCore import QSize, Qt
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QComboBox, QToolButton, QWidget

from madgui.util.signal import Signal
from madgui.util.unit import ui_units, to_ui
from madgui.util.layout import VBoxLayout, HBoxLayout
from madgui.util.qt import EventFilter
from madgui.widget.dialog import Dialog
from madgui.widget.params import (
    TabParamTables, ParamTable, CommandEdit, ParamInfo, MatrixTable)

[docs]class ElementInfoBox(QWidget): changed_element = Signal() _el_id = None def __init__(self, model, el_id, summary, **kwargs): super().__init__() self.summary = summary self.notebook = TabParamTables([ ('Summary', 'Summary of most important parameters', ParamTable(self._fetch_summary, self._update_element, model=model)), ('Params', 'Complete list of all MAD-X element attributes', CommandEdit(self._fetch_cmdpar, self._update_element, model=model)), ('Twiss', 'Computed TWISS parameters at the element exit end', ParamTable(self._fetch_twiss)), ('Sigma', 'Beam SIGMA matrix at the element exit end', MatrixTable(self._fetch_sigma, shape=(6, 6), get_name=sigmat_title)), ('Ellipse', 'Beam ellipses at the element exit end', EllipseWidget(model)), ('Sector', 'Transfermap of the element', MatrixTable(self._fetch_sector, shape=(6, 7), get_name=secmap_title, units=False)), ]) # navigation = QComboBox()[elem.node_name for elem in model.elements]) self.model = model self.el_id = el_id self.model.updated.connect(self.notebook.update) button_left = QToolButton() button_right = QToolButton() button_left.clicked.connect(lambda: self.advance(-1)) button_right.clicked.connect(lambda: self.advance(+1)) button_left.setArrowType(Qt.LeftArrow) button_right.setArrowType(Qt.RightArrow) self.setLayout(VBoxLayout([ HBoxLayout([button_left,, button_right]), self.notebook, ], tight=True))
[docs] def closeEvent(self, event): self.model.updated.disconnect(self.notebook.update) super().closeEvent(event)
[docs] def advance(self, step): elements = self.model.elements old_index = elements.index(self.el_id) new_index = old_index + step new_el_id = elements[new_index % len(elements)].index self.el_id = new_el_id
@property def el_id(self): return self._el_id @el_id.setter def el_id(self, name): self.set_element(name)
[docs] def set_element(self, name): if name != self._el_id: self._el_id = name['elem_index'] = self.el_id self.notebook.update() self.window().setWindowTitle( "Element details: " + self.model.elements[self.el_id].node_name) self.changed_element.emit()
@property def element(self): return self.model.elements[self.el_id] # for @property def exporter(self): return self.notebook.currentWidget().exporter def _fetch_cmdpar(self, elem_index): elem = self.model.sequence.expanded_elements[elem_index] cmdpars = list(elem.cmdpar.values()) # Implicit drifts being shallow clones of the base DRIFT have inform=1 # for all attributes (even those that are unchanged from a base drift). # This results in everything being shown in bold style, which is ugly. # We suppress it by setting inform=0 for most attributes: if getattr(elem, 'occ_cnt', None) == 0: for par in cmdpars: par.inform = in ('at', 'l') return cmdpars def _update_element(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.model.update_element(*args, **kwargs) def _fetch_summary(self, elem_index=0): elem = self.model.elements[elem_index] show = self.summary data = { k: getattr(elem, k) for k in show['common'] + show.get(elem.base_name, []) } return [ParamInfo(k.title(), v, mutable=k in elem) for k, v in data.items()] def _fetch_twiss(self, elem_index=0): data = self.model.get_elem_twiss(elem_index) return [ParamInfo(k.title(), v) for k, v in data.items()] def _fetch_sigma(self, elem_index=0): return self.model.get_elem_sigma(elem_index) def _fetch_sector(self, elem_index=0): return self.model.sectormap(elem_index)
def sigmat_title(i, j): return 'Sig{}{}'.format(i, j) def secmap_title(i, j): return ('R{}{}' if j < 7 else 'K{}').format(i, j)
[docs]class EllipseWidget(QWidget): def __init__(self, model): super().__init__() self.model = model self.figure = Figure() self.canvas = canvas = mpl_backend.FigureCanvas(self.figure) self.toolbar = toolbar = mpl_backend.NavigationToolbar2QT(canvas, self) self.setLayout(VBoxLayout([canvas, toolbar], tight=True)) # Needed on PyQt5 with tight_layout=True to prevent crash due to # singular matrix if size=0: canvas.setMinimumSize(QSize(100, 100)) canvas.resize(QSize(100, 100))
[docs] def update(self, elem_index=0): self.figure.clf() axx = self.figure.add_subplot(121) axy = self.figure.add_subplot(122) def ellipse(ax, alfa, beta, gamma, eps): phi = atan2(2*alfa, gamma-beta) / 2 # See: ELLIPTICAL TRANSFORMATIONS FOR BEAM OPTICS, R.B. Moore, 2004 # H = (beta + gamma) / 2 w = sqrt(eps/2) * (sqrt(H+1) - sqrt(H-1)) h = sqrt(eps/2) * (sqrt(H+1) + sqrt(H-1)) # Same as: # c, s = cos(phi), sin(phi) # R = np.array([[c, -s], [s, c]]) # M = np.array([[beta, -alfa], [-alfa, gamma]]) # T = # w = sqrt(eps*T[0,0]) # h = sqrt(eps*T[1,1]) dx = sqrt(eps*beta) dy = sqrt(eps*gamma) ax.set_xlim(-dx*1.2, dx*1.2) ax.set_ylim(-dy*1.2, dy*1.2) # zorder needed to draw on top of grid: ax.add_patch(Ellipse((0, 0), 2*w, 2*h, phi/pi*180, fill=False, zorder=5)) ax.grid(True) # FIXME: gui_units twiss = to_ui(self.model.get_elem_twiss(elem_index)) ellipse(axx, twiss.alfx, twiss.betx, twiss.gamx, twiss.ex) ellipse(axy, twiss.alfy, twiss.bety, twiss.gamy, twiss.ey) axx.set_xlabel("x [{}]".format(ui_units.label('x'))) axy.set_xlabel("y [{}]".format(ui_units.label('y'))) axx.set_ylabel("px | py") self.figure.tight_layout() self.canvas.draw()
[docs]class InfoBoxGroup: def __init__(self, mainwindow, selection): """Add toolbar tool to panel and subscribe to capture events.""" self.mainwindow = mainwindow self.model = mainwindow.model self.selection = selection self.boxes = [self.create_info_box(elem) for elem in selection] selection.inserted.connect(self._insert) selection.removed.connect(self._delete) selection.changed.connect(self._modify) selection.cursor.changed.connect(self._cursor_changed) self.event_filter = EventFilter({ 'WindowActivate': self._on_activate_box, 'Close': self._on_close_box, }) # keep info boxes in sync with current selection def _insert(self, index, el_id): self.boxes.insert(index, self.create_info_box(el_id)) def _delete(self, index): if self.boxes[index].isVisible(): self.boxes[index]._el_id = None self.boxes[index].window().close() del self.boxes[index] def _modify(self, index, el_id): self.boxes[index].el_id = el_id def _cursor_changed(self, index): self.boxes[index].window().present() # utility methods def _on_close_box(self, window, *_): window.removeEventFilter(self.event_filter) box = window.widget() if box.el_id is not None: self.selection.remove(box.el_id) def _on_activate_box(self, window, *_): box = window.widget() self.selection.cursor.set(self.boxes.index(box), force=True)
[docs] def create_info_box(self, el_id): model = self.model() config = self.mainwindow.config info = ElementInfoBox(model, el_id, config.summary_attrs) info.changed_element.connect(partial(self._changed_box_element, info)) dock = Dialog(self.mainwindow) dock.setSimpleExportWidget(info, None) dock.installEventFilter(self.event_filter) dock.present() return info
def _changed_box_element(self, box): self.selection.cursor.set(self.boxes.index(box)) self.selection.add(box.el_id, replace=True)