Source code for madgui.widget.floor_plan

Components to draw a 2D floor plan of a given MAD-X lattice.

# TODO: improve display of vertically oriented elements
# TODO: adjust display for custom entry/exit pole faces
# TODO: load styles from config
# TODO: rotate/place scene according to space requirements

__all__ = [

from collections import namedtuple
from math import cos, sin, sqrt, pi, atan2, floor, log10

import numpy as np
from PyQt5.QtCore import QMarginsF, QPointF, QRectF, Qt
from PyQt5.QtGui import (
    QBrush, QColor, QFont, QFontMetrics, QPainter, QPainterPath,
    QPen, QPolygonF)
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import (
    QGraphicsItem, QGraphicsScene, QGraphicsView,
    QPushButton, QWidget)

from madgui.util.layout import VBoxLayout

FloorCoords = namedtuple('FloorCoords', ['x', 'y', 'z', 'theta', 'phi', 'psi'])

    'E_GUN':       'purple',
    'SBEND':       'red',
    'QUADRUPOLE':  'blue',
    'DRIFT':       'black',
    'LCAVITY':     'green',
    'RFCAVITY':    'green',
    'SEXTUPOLE':   'yellow',
    'WIGGLER':     'orange',

    'E_GUN':       1.0,
    'LCAVITY':     0.4,
    'RFCAVITY':    0.4,
    'SBEND':       0.6,
    'QUADRUPOLE':  0.4,
    'SEXTUPOLE':   0.5,
    'DRIFT':       0.1,

rot90 = np.array([[0, -1], [1, 0]])

def Rotation2(phi):
    c, s = cos(phi), sin(phi)
    return lambda x, y: (c*x - s*y, c*y + s*x)

def Rotation3(theta, phi, psi, *, Rotation2=Rotation2):
    ry = Rotation2(theta)
    rx = Rotation2(-phi)
    rz = Rotation2(psi)

    def rotate(x, y, z):
        x, y = rz(x, y)
        y, z = rx(y, z)
        z, x = ry(z, x)
        return x, y, z
    return rotate

def Projection(ax1, ax2):
    ax1 = np.array(ax1) /, ax1)
    ax2 = np.array(ax2) /, ax2)
    return np.array([ax1, ax2])

def normalize(vec):
    if np.allclose(vec, 0):
        return np.zeros(2)
    return vec / sqrt(, vec))

[docs]class FloorPlanWidget(QWidget): def __init__(self, session): super().__init__() self.setWindowTitle("2D floor plan") self.floorplan = LatticeFloorPlan() self.floorplan.set_session(session) self.setLayout(VBoxLayout([ self.floorplan, [ self._button("Z|X", -pi/2, pi/2), self._button("X|Y", 0, 0), self._button("Z|Y", -pi/2, 0), ], ])) def _button(self, label, *args): button = QPushButton(label) button.clicked.connect(lambda: self.floorplan.setProjection(*args)) return button
[docs]class LatticeFloorPlan(QGraphicsView): """ Graphics widget to draw 2D floor plan of given lattice. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.setInteractive(True) self.setDragMode(QGraphicsView.ScrollHandDrag) self.setBackgroundBrush(QBrush(Qt.white, Qt.SolidPattern)) self.setProjection(-pi/2, pi/2) self.selection = set()
[docs] def setProjection(self, theta, phi, psi=0): phi = np.clip(phi, -pi/8, pi/2) rot = Rotation3(theta, phi, psi) ax1 = np.array(list(rot(1, 0, 0))) ax2 = np.array(list(rot(0, 1, 0))) self.theta, self.phi, self.psi = theta, phi, psi self.projection = Projection(ax1, -ax2) if self.replay is not None: self.scene().clear() self.setElements(*self.replay)
session = None model = None
[docs] def set_session(self, session): self.session = session self.session.model.changed.connect(self.set_model) self.set_model(session.model())
[docs] def set_model(self, model): # TODO: only update when SBEND/MULTIPOLE/SROTATION etc changes? self.selection = self.session.selected_elements if self.model: self.model.updated.disconnect(self._updateSurvey) self.model = model if model: self.model.updated.connect(self._updateSurvey) self._updateSurvey()
def _updateSurvey(self): survey = self.model.survey() array = np.array([survey[key] for key in FloorCoords._fields]) floor = [FloorCoords(*row) for row in array.T] self.setElements(self.model.elements, floor, self.selection) replay = None
[docs] def setElements(self, elements, survey, selection): self.replay = elements, survey, selection self.setScene(QGraphicsScene(self)) survey = [FloorCoords(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)] + survey for element, coords in zip(elements, zip(survey, survey[1:])): self.scene().addItem( ElementGraphicsItem(self, element, coords, selection)) self.coordinate_axes = CoordinateAxes(self) self.scale_indicator = ScaleIndicator(self) self.scene().addItem(self.coordinate_axes) self.scene().addItem(self.scale_indicator) self.setViewRect(self._sceneRect()) if hasattr(selection, 'update_finished'): selection.update_finished.connect(self._update_selection)
def _sceneRect(self): rect = self.scene().sceneRect() return rect.marginsAdded(QMarginsF( 0.05*rect.width(), 0.05*rect.height(), 0.05*rect.width(), 0.05*rect.height(), ))
[docs] def resizeEvent(self, event): """Maintain visible region on resize.""" self.setViewRect(self.view_rect) super().resizeEvent(event)
[docs] def mapRectToScene(self, rect): """ Map topleft/botright rect from viewport to scene coordinates. This assumes there is no rotation/shearing. """ return QRectF( self.mapToScene(rect.topLeft()), self.mapToScene(rect.bottomRight()))
[docs] def setViewRect(self, rect): """ Fit the given scene rectangle into the visible view. This assumes there is no rotation/shearing. """ cur = self.mapRectToScene(self.viewport().rect()) new = rect.intersected(self._sceneRect()) self.zoom(min(cur.width()/new.width(), cur.height()/new.height())) self.view_rect = new self.coordinate_axes.update() self.scale_indicator.update()
[docs] def zoom(self, scale): """Scale the figure uniformly along both axes.""" self.scale(scale, scale) self.view_rect = self.mapRectToScene(self.viewport().rect())
[docs] def wheelEvent(self, event): """Handle mouse wheel as zoom.""" delta = event.angleDelta().y() self.zoom(1.0 + delta/1000.0)
[docs] def mousePressEvent(self, event): self.last_mouse_position = event.pos() super().mousePressEvent(event)
[docs] def mouseMoveEvent(self, event): if event.buttons() == Qt.RightButton: delta = event.pos() - self.last_mouse_position theta = self.theta + delta.x()/100 phi = self.phi + delta.y()/100 self.setProjection(theta, phi) self.last_mouse_position = event.pos() event.accept() return super().mouseMoveEvent(event)
def _update_selection(self, slice, old_values, new_values): insert = set(new_values) - set(old_values) delete = set(old_values) - set(new_values) for item in self.scene().items(): if item.el_id in insert: item.setSelected(True) if item.el_id in delete: item.setSelected(False)
class ElementGraphicsItem(QGraphicsItem): """Base class for element graphics items.""" outline_pen = {'width': 1} orbit_pen = {'style': Qt.DashLine} select_pen = {'style': Qt.DashLine, 'color': 'green', 'width': 4} def __init__(self, plan, element, coords, selection): super().__init__() self.plan = plan self.coords = coords self.rotate = (Rotation3(coords[0].theta, coords[0].phi, coords[0].psi), Rotation3(coords[1].theta, coords[1].phi, coords[1].psi)) self.element = element self.length = element.length self.angle = float(element.get('angle', 0.0)) self.width = getElementWidth(element) self.color = getElementColor(element) self.walls = (0.5*self.width, 0.5*self.width) # inner/outer wall widths self.selection = selection self._outline = self.outline() self._orbit = self.orbit() self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsSelectable, True) self.setSelected(self.el_id in selection) @property def el_id(self): return self.element.index def itemChange(self, change, value): if change == QGraphicsItem.ItemSelectedHasChanged: self._on_select(value) return value def _on_select(self, select): is_selected = self.el_id in self.selection if select and not is_selected: # TODO: incorporate whether shift is clicked self.selection.add(self.el_id) elif is_selected and not select: self.selection.remove(self.el_id) def shape(self): return self._outline def boundingRect(self): return self._outline.boundingRect() def paint(self, painter, option, widget): """Paint element + orbit + selection frame.""" painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing) painter.setBrush(Qt.NoBrush) # draw element outline: painter.setPen(createPen(**self.outline_pen)) painter.fillPath(self._outline, self.color) painter.drawPath(self._outline) # draw beam orbit: painter.setPen(createPen(**self.orbit_pen)) painter.drawPath(self._orbit) # highlight selected elements: if self.isSelected(): painter.setPen(createPen(**self.select_pen)) painter.drawPath(self._outline) def endpoints(self): proj2D = p0, p1 = self.coords return (proj2D([p0.x, p0.y, p0.z]), proj2D([p1.x, p1.y, p1.z])) def outline(self): """Return a QPainterPath that outlines the element.""" r1, r2 = self.walls p0, p1 = self.endpoints() proj2D = vec0 = normalize(, proj2D(list(self.rotate[0](0, 0, 1))))) vec1 = normalize(, proj2D(list(self.rotate[1](0, 0, 1))))) path = QPainterPath() path.moveTo(*(p0 - r2*vec0)) path.lineTo(*(p1 - r2*vec1)) path.lineTo(*(p1 + r1*vec1)) path.lineTo(*(p0 + r1*vec0)) path.closeSubpath() return path def orbit(self): """Return a QPainterPath that shows the beam orbit.""" a, b = self.endpoints() path = QPainterPath() path.moveTo(*a) path.lineTo(*b) return path def getElementColor(element, default='black'): return QColor(ELEMENT_COLOR.get(element.base_name.upper(), default)) def getElementWidth(element, default=0.2): return ELEMENT_WIDTH.get(element.base_name.upper(), default) def createPen(style=Qt.SolidLine, color='black', width=1): """ Use this function to conveniently create a cosmetic pen with specified width. Integer widths create cosmetic pens (default) and float widths create scaling pens (this way you can set the figure style by changing a number). This is particularly important on PyQt5 where the default pen blacks out large areas of the figure if not being careful. """ pen = QPen(style) pen.setColor(QColor(color)) if isinstance(width, int): pen.setWidth(width) pen.setCosmetic(True) else: pen.setWidthF(width) pen.setCosmetic(False) return pen class CoordinateAxes(QGraphicsItem): """Display axes of coordinates.""" el_id = None pen = {'style': Qt.SolidLine, 'color': 'orange', 'width': 1} def __init__(self, plan): super().__init__() self.plan = plan self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemIgnoresTransformations, True) def update(self): self._path = self.draw_path() def shape(self): return self._path def boundingRect(self): # Ignore this item when calculating the scene rect: return QRectF() def paint(self, painter, option, widget): pen = createPen(**self.pen) painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing) painter.setPen(pen) painter.setBrush(QBrush(pen.color(), Qt.SolidPattern)) painter.drawPath(self._path) def draw_path(self): l, s, d = 45, 10, 10 proj = orig = np.array([0, 0]) axes = QPainterPath() axes.addPath(self.axis_arrow("x", orig, orig+l*proj([1, 0, 0]), s)) axes.addPath(self.axis_arrow("y", orig, orig+l*proj([0, 1, 0]), s)) axes.addPath(self.axis_arrow("z", orig, orig+l*proj([0, 0, 1]), s)) tran = self.deviceTransform(self.plan.viewportTransform()).inverted()[0] view = tran.mapRect(QRectF(self.plan.viewport().rect())) rect = axes.boundingRect() axes.translate(view.left() + view.width()/15 - rect.left(), view.bottom() - view.height()/15 - rect.bottom()) path = QPainterPath() path.addPath(axes) path.addEllipse(-d/2, -d/2, d, d) return path def axis_arrow(self, label, x0, x1, arrow_size): path = arrow(x0, x1, arrow_size) if not path: return QPainterPath() plan = self.plan font = QFont(plan.font()) font.setPointSize(14) metr = QFontMetrics(font) rect = metr.boundingRect(label) rect.setHeight(metr.xHeight()) tran = self.deviceTransform(self.plan.viewportTransform()).inverted()[0] size = tran.mapRect(QRectF(rect)).size() w, h = size.width(), size.height() dir_ = (x1 - x0) / np.linalg.norm(x1 - x0) offs = [-w/2, +h/2] + dir_ * max(w, h) path.addText(QPointF(*(x1 + offs)), font, label) return path def arrow(x0, x1, arrow_size=0.3, arrow_angle=pi/5): dx, dy = x1 - x0 if dy**2 + dx**2 < arrow_size**2: return None path = QPainterPath() path.moveTo(*x0) path.lineTo(*x1) angle = atan2(dy, dx) p1 = x1 + [cos(angle + pi + arrow_angle) * arrow_size, sin(angle + pi + arrow_angle) * arrow_size] p2 = x1 + [cos(angle + pi - arrow_angle) * arrow_size, sin(angle + pi - arrow_angle) * arrow_size] path.addPolygon(QPolygonF([ QPointF(*x1), QPointF(*p1), QPointF(*p2), QPointF(*x1), ])) return path class ScaleIndicator(QGraphicsItem): """Display small scale indicator.""" el_id = None pen = {'style': Qt.SolidLine, 'color': 'orange', 'width': 2} def __init__(self, plan): super().__init__() self.plan = plan self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemIgnoresTransformations, True) def update(self): self._path = self.draw_path() def shape(self): return self._path def boundingRect(self): # Ignore this item when calculating the scene rect: return QRectF() def paint(self, painter, option, widget): pen = createPen(**self.pen) painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing) painter.setPen(pen) painter.setBrush(Qt.NoBrush) painter.drawPath(self._path) def draw_path(self): plan = self.plan rect = plan.mapRectToScene(plan.viewport().rect()) rect.setWidth(10**floor(log10(rect.width()/2))) text = "{} m".format(round(rect.width())) tran = self.deviceTransform(plan.viewportTransform()).inverted()[0] width = tran.mapRect(QRectF( plan.mapFromScene(rect.topLeft()), plan.mapFromScene(rect.bottomRight()))).width() view = tran.mapRect(plan.viewport().rect()) x0 = QPointF(view.right() - view.width()/15, view.bottom() - view.height()/15) x1 = x0 - QPointF(width, 0) head = QPointF(0, 8) path = QPainterPath() path.moveTo(x0) path.lineTo(x1) path.moveTo(x0 + head) path.lineTo(x0 - head) path.moveTo(x1 + head) path.lineTo(x1 - head) # add label font = QFont(plan.font()) font.setPointSize(14) rect = QFontMetrics(font).boundingRect(text) size = tran.mapRect(QRectF(rect)).size() w, h = size.width(), size.height() offs = [-w/2, -h/2] path.addText((x0+x1)/2 + QPointF(*offs), font, text) return path