Source code for madgui.widget.twisswidget

__all__ = [

from functools import partial
from collections import namedtuple

import numpy as np
from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QAction, QComboBox, QMenuBar, QStyle, QWidget

from madgui.util.signal import Signal

from madgui.util.qt import load_icon_resource, SingleWindow
from madgui.util.misc import memoize, strip_suffix, cachedproperty
from madgui.util.layout import VBoxLayout
from madgui.util.collections import List
from madgui.util.unit import from_ui, get_raw_label, ui_units
from madgui.plot.scene import SceneGraph, ListView, SimpleArtist
from madgui.widget.dialog import Dialog
import madgui.widget.plot as plt
import as menu

from madgui.plot.twissfigure import (
    plot_element_indicator, plot_constraint, plot_selection_marker,
    plot_twiss_curve, plot_user_curve, CONFIG, ax_label, indicator_params)

PlotInfo = namedtuple('PlotInfo', [
    'name',     # internal graph name (e.g. 'beta')
    'title',    # long display name ('Beta function')
    'curves',   # [CurveInfo]

CurveInfo = namedtuple('CurveInfo', [
    'table',    # table name (e.g. 'twiss')
    'xname',    # x col name (e.g. 's')
    'name',     # curve name (e.g. 'betx')
    'label',    # y-axis/legend label ('$\beta_x$')
    'style',    # **kwargs for ax.plot

UserData = namedtuple('UserData', [

MouseEvent = namedtuple('MouseEvent', [
    'button', 'x', 'y', 'axes', 'elem', 'guiEvent'])

KeyboardEvent = namedtuple('KeyboardEvent', [
    'key', 'guiEvent'])

[docs]class TwissWidget(QWidget):
[docs] @classmethod def from_session(cls, session, name): model = session.model() config = session.config # NOTE: using the plot_windows list as a stack with its top at 0: settings = (config.plot_windows and config.plot_windows.pop(0) or {}) # indicators require retrieving data for all elements which can be too # time consuming for large lattices: show_indicators = len(model.elements) < 500 parent = session.window() widget = cls( session, model, name=name, show_indicators=show_indicators, settings=settings) dialog = Dialog(parent, widget) dialog.layout().setMenuBar(QMenuBar()) widget.create_menu(dialog.layout().menuBar()) size = settings.get('size') pos = settings.get('pos') if not size: size = (parent.size().width(), dialog.sizeHint().height()) dialog.resize(*size) if pos: dialog.move(*pos) widget.update_window_title() session.model.changed_singleshot(dialog.close) return widget
def __init__(self, session, model, name=None, show_indicators=True, settings={}): super().__init__() self.session = session self.model = model self.settings = settings figure = plt.Figure(tight_layout=True) plot = plt.PlotWidget(figure) scene = self.scene = TwissFigure( figure, session, session.matcher) scene.show_indicators = show_indicators scene.set_graph(name or settings.get('graph')) scene.attach(plot) # for convenience when debugging: session.user_ns.__dict__.update({ 'plot': plot, 'figure': figure, 'canvas': plot.canvas, 'scene': scene, }) selector = self.selector = QComboBox() self.setLayout(VBoxLayout([selector, plot], tight=True)) scene.graph_changed.connect(self.update_window_title) items = [(l, n) for n, l in scene.get_graphs().items()] for label, name in sorted(items): selector.addItem(label, name) selector.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.change_figure)
[docs] def create_menu(self, menubar): Menu, Item = menu.Menu, menu.Item menu.extend(self.window(), menubar, [ Menu('&View', [ # TODO: dynamic checked state Item('&Shared plot', 'Ctrl+M', 'Plot all curves into the same axes.', self.toggleShareAxes, checked=False), # TODO: dynamic checked state Item('Element &indicators', None, 'Show element indicators', self.toggleIndicators, checked=self.scene.show_indicators), Item('Manage curves', None, 'Select which data sets are shown', self.scene._curveManager.toggle, checked=self.scene._curveManager.holds_value), ]), ])
[docs] def toggleShareAxes(self): scene = self.scene scene.share_axes = not scene.share_axes scene.reset()
[docs] def toggleIndicators(self): scene = self.scene scene.show_indicators = not scene.show_indicators
[docs] def update_window_title(self): self.window().setWindowTitle("{1} ({0})".format(, self.scene.graph_name)) self.selector.setCurrentIndex( self.selector.findData(self.scene.graph_name))
[docs] def change_figure(self, index): self.scene.set_graph(self.selector.itemData(index))
[docs]class TwissFigure: """A figure containing some X/Y twiss parameters.""" xlim = None snapshot_num = 0 graph_changed = Signal() buttonPress = Signal(MouseEvent) mouseMotion = Signal(MouseEvent) keyPress = Signal(KeyboardEvent) def __init__(self, figure, session, matcher): self.figure = figure self.share_axes = False self.session = session self.model = session.model() self.config = dict(CONFIG, **session.config.get('twissfigure', {})) self.element_style = self.config['element_style'] self.monitors = [] # scene self.layout_elems = List() self.layout_elems.emit_changed_if = lambda old, new: old != new self.user_tables = List() self.curve_info = List() self.hovered_elements = List() self.scene_graph = SceneGraph('', [ ListView( 'lattice_elements', self.layout_elems, plot_element_indicator, elem_styles=self.element_style, alpha=0.35), ListView( 'selected_elements', self.session.selected_elements, plot_selection_marker, self.model, elem_styles=self.element_style), ListView( 'hovered_elements', self.hovered_elements, plot_selection_marker, self.model, elem_styles=self.element_style, highlight=True), ListView( 'match_constraints', self.session.matcher.constraints, plot_constraint, self), ListView('twiss_curves', self.curve_info, self.plot_twiss_curve), ListView('user_curves', self.user_tables, self.plot_user_curve), SimpleArtist('monitor_readouts', self.plot_user_curve, ( 'monitor_readouts', self._get_monitor_curve_data, 'readouts_style')), ], figure) self.scene_graph.draw_idle = self.draw_idle # style self.x_name = 's' self.x_label = 's' self.x_unit = ui_units.get('s') # slots self.model.updated.connect(self.on_model_updated) self.session.control.sampler.updated.connect(self.on_readouts_updated)
[docs] def attach(self, plot): self.plot = plot plot.addTool(InfoTool(plot, self)) plot.addTool(MatchTool(plot, self, self.session.matcher)) plot.addTool(CompareTool(plot, self)) plot.addTool(BpmTool(plot, self)) canvas = plot.canvas canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self._on_button_press) canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', self._on_motion_notify) canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', self._on_key_press)
def _on_button_press(self, mpl_event): self._mouse_event(self.buttonPress, mpl_event) def _on_motion_notify(self, mpl_event): self._mouse_event(self.mouseMotion, mpl_event) def _mouse_event(self, signal, mpl_event): if mpl_event.inaxes is None: return axes = mpl_event.inaxes xpos = from_ui(axes.x_name[0], mpl_event.xdata) ypos = from_ui(axes.y_name[0], mpl_event.ydata) elem = self.get_element_by_mouse_position(axes, xpos) event = MouseEvent(mpl_event.button, xpos, ypos, axes, elem, mpl_event.guiEvent) signal.emit(event) def _on_key_press(self, mpl_event): event = KeyboardEvent(mpl_event.key, mpl_event.guiEvent) self.keyPress.emit(event) graph_name = None
[docs] def set_graph(self, graph_name): graph_name = graph_name or self.config['default_graph'] if graph_name == self.graph_name: return self.graph_info = self.get_graph_info(graph_name, self.xlim) self.graph_name = self.reset() self.graph_changed.emit()
[docs] def reset(self): """Reset figure and plot.""" figure = self.figure figure.clear() self.scene_graph.on_clear_figure() self.scene_graph.enable(False) self.curve_info[:] = self.graph_info.curves self.layout_elems[:] = self._layout_elems() num_curves = len(self.curve_info) if num_curves == 0: return num_axes = 1 if self.share_axes else num_curves top_ax = figure.add_subplot(num_axes, 1, 1) for i in range(1, num_axes): figure.add_subplot(num_axes, 1, i+1, sharex=top_ax) for ax in figure.axes: ax.grid(True, axis='y') ax.x_name = [] ax.y_name = [] axes = figure.axes * (num_curves if self.share_axes else 1) for ax, info in zip(axes, self.curve_info): ax.x_name.append(info.xname) ax.y_name.append( # assuming all curves have the same y units (as they should!!): ax.x_unit = ui_units.get(info.xname) ax.y_unit = ui_units.get( if not self.share_axes: ax.set_ylabel(ax_label(info.label, ax.y_unit)) # replace formatter method for mouse status: ax.format_coord = partial(self.format_coord, ax) # TODO: generalize for arbitrary X data: self.figure.axes[-1].set_xlabel(ax_label(self.x_label, self.x_unit)) self.scene_graph.enable(True) self.scene_graph.render() if self.share_axes: ax = figure.axes[0] legend = ax.legend(loc='lower center', fancybox=True, shadow=True, ncol=4, bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1)) legend.set_draggable(True) for ax in self.figure.axes: # prevent matplotlib from using an offset and displaying # near-constant quantities in a weird way, see #32: ax.axhline(alpha=0) ax.set_autoscale_on(False)
[docs] def draw_idle(self): """Draw the figure on its canvas.""" canvas = self.figure.canvas if canvas: canvas.draw_idle()
[docs] def destroy(self): self.model.updated.disconnect(self.on_model_updated) self.session.control.sampler.updated.disconnect(self.on_readouts_updated) self.scene_graph.destroy()
[docs] def format_coord(self, ax, x, y): # TODO: in some cases, it might be necessary to adjust the # precision to the displayed xlim/ylim. coord_fmt = "{0:.6f}{1}".format parts = [coord_fmt(x, get_raw_label(ax.x_unit)), coord_fmt(y, get_raw_label(ax.y_unit))] elem = self.get_element_by_mouse_position(ax, x) if elem: name = strip_suffix(elem.node_name, '[0]') parts.insert(0, name.upper()) return ', '.join(parts)
[docs] def get_element_by_mouse_position(self, axes, pos): """Find an element close to the mouse cursor.""" model = self.model elems = model.elements elem = model.get_element_by_position(pos) if elem is None: return None # Fuzzy select nearby elements, if they are <= 3px: at, L = elem.position, elem.length index = elem.index x0_px = axes.transData.transform_point((0, 0))[0] x2pix = lambda x: axes.transData.transform_point((x, 0))[0]-x0_px len_px = x2pix(L) if len_px > 5 or elem.base_name == 'drift': # max 2px cursor distance: edge_px = max(1, min(2, round(0.2*len_px))) if index > 0 \ and x2pix(pos-at) < edge_px \ and x2pix(elems[index-1].length) <= 3: return elems[index-1] if index < len(elems) \ and x2pix(at+L-pos) < edge_px \ and x2pix(elems[index+1].length) <= 3: return elems[index+1] return elem
[docs] def on_model_updated(self): """Update existing plot after TWISS recomputation.""" self.scene_graph.node('twiss_curves').invalidate() # Redraw changed elements: self.layout_elems[:] = self._layout_elems() self.draw_idle()
[docs] def on_readouts_updated(self, *_): node = self.scene_graph.node('monitor_readouts') if node.enabled(): node.invalidate() self.draw_idle()
def _layout_elems(self): return [ indicator_params(elem) for elem in self.model.elements if elem.base_name in self.element_style ]
[docs] def get_curve_by_name(self, name): return next((c for c in self.curve_info if == name), None)
# curves
[docs] def get_graph_info(self, name, xlim): """Get the data for a particular graph.""" # TODO: use xlim for interpolate conf = self.config['graphs'][name] return PlotInfo( name=name, title=conf['title'], curves=[ CurveInfo(table, xname, name, label, style) for (table, xname, name, label, style) in conf['curves'] ])
[docs] def get_graphs(self): """Get a list of graph names.""" return {name: info['title'] for name, info in self.config['graphs'].items()}
[docs] def get_graph_columns(self): """Get a set of all columns used in any graph.""" cols = { yname for info in self.config['graphs'].values() for (table, xname, yname, label, style) in info['curves'] } cols.add('s') cols.update(self.model.twiss()._cache.keys()) return cols
@property def show_indicators(self): return self.scene_graph.node('lattice_elements').enabled() @show_indicators.setter def show_indicators(self, show): if self.show_indicators != show: self.scene_graph.node('lattice_elements').enable(show) @SingleWindow.factory def _curveManager(self): from madgui.widget.curvemanager import CurveManager return Dialog(self.plot.window(), CurveManager(self))
[docs] def show_monitor_readouts(self, monitors): self.monitors = [m.lower() for m in monitors] self.scene_graph.node('monitor_readouts').enable(True) self.scene_graph.node('monitor_readouts').invalidate() self.draw_idle()
[docs] def hide_monitor_readouts(self): self.scene_graph.node('monitor_readouts').enable(False)
def _get_monitor_curve_data(self): elements = self.model.elements offsets = self.session.config['online_control']['offsets'] monitor_data = [ {'s': elements[].position, 'x': r.posx + dx, 'y': r.posy + dy, 'envx': r.envx, 'envy': r.envy, } for r in self.session.control.sampler.readouts_list for dx, dy in [offsets.get(, (0, 0))] if in self.monitors and r.posx is not None and r.posy is not None ] return { name: np.array([d[name] for d in monitor_data]) for name in ['s', 'envx', 'envy', 'x', 'y'] }
[docs] def add_curve(self, name, data, style): item = UserData(name, data, style) for i, c in enumerate(self.user_tables): if == name: self.user_tables[i] = item break else: self.user_tables.append(item)
[docs] def del_curve(self, name): for i, c in enumerate(self.user_tables): if == name: del self.user_tables[i] break
[docs] def plot_twiss_curve(self, ax, info): table = getattr(self.model, info.table) return plot_twiss_curve( ax, table, info.xname,, info.label,
[docs] def plot_user_curve(self, ax, info): name, data, style = info style = self.config[style] if isinstance(style, str) else style return plot_user_curve(ax, data, ax.x_name, ax.y_name, name, style)
[docs]class CaptureTool: active = False def __init__(self, plot): self.plot = plot # NOTE: always go through setChecked in order to de-/activate! # Calling de-/activate directly will leave behind inconsistent state.
[docs] def setChecked(self, checked): self.action().setChecked(checked)
[docs] def onToggle(self, active): """Update enabled state to match the UI.""" if active == return = active if active: self.activate() else: self.deactivate()
[docs] @memoize def action(self): icon = self.icon if isinstance(icon, QStyle.StandardPixmap): icon = action = QAction(icon, self.text, self.plot) action.setCheckable(True) action.toggled.connect(self.onToggle) self.plot.addCapture(self.mode, action.setChecked) return action
[docs]class MatchTool(CaptureTool): """ This toolbar item performs (when checked) simple interactive matching via mouse clicks into the plot window. """ # TODO: define matching via config file and fix implementation mode = 'MATCH' short = 'match constraints' text = 'Match for desired target value' @cachedproperty def icon(self): return load_icon_resource('', 'target.xpm') def __init__(self, plot, scene, matcher): """Add toolbar tool to panel and subscribe to capture events.""" self.plot = plot self.scene = scene self.model = scene.model self.matcher = matcher self.matcher.finished.connect(partial(self.setChecked, False))
[docs] def activate(self): """Start matching mode.""" self.matcher.start() self.plot.startCapture(self.mode, self.short) self.scene.buttonPress.connect(self.onClick) self.scene.session.window().viewMatchDialog.create()
[docs] def deactivate(self): """Stop matching mode.""" self.scene.buttonPress.disconnect(self.onClick) self.plot.endCapture(self.mode)
[docs] def onClick(self, event): """Handle clicks into the figure in matching mode.""" # If the selected plot has two curves, select the primary/alternative # (i.e. first/second) curve according to whether the user pressed ALT: index = int(bool(self.scene.share_axes and event.guiEvent.modifiers() & Qt.AltModifier and len(self.scene.curve_info) > 1)) name = event.axes.y_name[index] if event.button == 1: return self.add_constraint(event, name) if event.button == 2: return self.remove_constraint(event, name)
[docs] def remove_constraint(self, event, name): """Remove constraint nearest to cursor location.""" constraints = [c for c in self.matcher.constraints if c.axis == name] if constraints: cons = min(constraints, key=lambda c: abs(c.pos-event.x)) elem = cons.elem for c in self.scene.curve_info: self.removeConstraint(elem,
[docs] def add_constraint(self, event, name): """Add constraint at cursor location.""" shift = bool(event.guiEvent.modifiers() & Qt.ShiftModifier) control = bool(event.guiEvent.modifiers() & Qt.ControlModifier) # By default, the list of constraints will be reset. The shift/alt # keys are used to add more constraints. if not shift and not control: self.clearConstraints() # add the clicked constraint from madgui.model.match import Constraint elem, pos = self.model.get_best_match_pos(event.x) constraints = [Constraint(elem, pos, name, event.y)] if self.matcher.mirror_mode: # add another constraint to hold the orthogonal axis constant # TODO: should do this only once for each yname! constraints.extend([ Constraint(elem, pos,, self.model.get_twiss(elem.node_name,, pos)) for c in self.scene.curve_info if != name ]) constraints = sorted(constraints, key=lambda c: (c.pos, c.axis)) self.addConstraints(constraints) self.matcher.detect_variables() if len(self.matcher.variables) > 0: self.matcher.match()
[docs] def addConstraints(self, constraints): """Add constraint and perform matching.""" for constraint in constraints: self.removeConstraint(constraint.elem, constraint.axis) self.matcher.constraints.extend(constraints)
[docs] def removeConstraint(self, elem, axis): """Remove the constraint for elem.""" indexes = [i for i, c in enumerate(self.matcher.constraints) if c.elem.index == elem.index and c.axis == axis] for i in indexes[::-1]: del self.matcher.constraints[i] # NOTE: we should probably only delete "automatic" variables, but for # now let's just assume this is the right thing... del self.matcher.variables[:]
[docs] def clearConstraints(self): """Remove all constraints.""" del self.matcher.constraints[:] del self.matcher.variables[:]
[docs]class InfoTool(CaptureTool): """ Opens info boxes when clicking on an element. """ mode = 'INFO' short = 'element info' icon = QStyle.SP_MessageBoxInformation text = 'Show element info boxes' def __init__(self, plot, scene): """Add toolbar tool to panel and subscribe to capture events.""" self.plot = plot self.scene = scene self.model = scene.model self.selection = scene.session.selected_elements self._hovered = None
[docs] def activate(self): """Start select mode.""" self.plot.startCapture(self.mode, self.short) self.scene.buttonPress.connect(self.onClick) self.scene.mouseMotion.connect(self.onMotion) self.scene.keyPress.connect(self.onKey) self.plot.canvas.setFocus()
[docs] def deactivate(self): """Stop select mode.""" self.scene.buttonPress.disconnect(self.onClick) self.scene.mouseMotion.disconnect(self.onMotion) self.scene.keyPress.disconnect(self.onKey) self.plot.endCapture(self.mode) self.scene.hovered_elements.clear()
[docs] def onClick(self, event): """Display a popup window with info about the selected element.""" if event.elem is None: return el_id = event.elem.index shift = bool(event.guiEvent.modifiers() & Qt.ShiftModifier) control = bool(event.guiEvent.modifiers() & Qt.ControlModifier) append = shift or control self.selection.add(el_id, replace=not append) # Set focus to parent window, so left/right cursor buttons can be # used immediately. self.plot.canvas.setFocus()
[docs] def onMotion(self, event): el_idx = event.elem.index if self._hovered != el_idx: self._hovered = el_idx self.scene.hovered_elements[:] = [el_idx]
[docs] def onKey(self, event): if 'left' in event.key: self.advance_selection(-1) elif 'right' in event.key: self.advance_selection(+1)
[docs] def advance_selection(self, move_step): selected = self.selection if selected: old_el_id = selected.cursor_item new_el_id = (old_el_id + move_step) % len(self.model.elements) selected.add(new_el_id, replace=True)
[docs]class CompareTool: """ Display a precomputed reference curve for comparison. The reference curve is NOT visible by default. """ short = 'Show reference curve' icon = QStyle.SP_DirLinkIcon text = 'Load data file for comparison.' def __init__(self, plot, scene): self.plot = plot self.scene = scene
[docs] @memoize def action(self): icon = self.icon if isinstance(icon, QStyle.StandardPixmap): icon = action = QAction(icon, self.text, self.plot) action.triggered.connect(self.activate) return action
[docs] def activate(self): self.scene._curveManager.create()
class BpmTool(CaptureTool): """Show BPM readouts.""" short = 'BPMs' text = 'Show indicators for current BPM readouts in plot.' def __init__(self, plot, scene): self.plot = plot self.scene = scene @memoize def action(self): action = QAction(self.short, self.plot) action.setCheckable(True) action.toggled.connect(self.onToggle) return action def activate(self): self.scene.session.control.monitor_widget.create() def deactivate(self): self.scene.hide_monitor_readouts()