Infrastructure -------------- Both madgui and cpymad make use of so-called *continuous integration* services that are triggered whenever a branch is updated on github. When this happens, the following is done with all supported python versions: - package is built - tests are executed - style checks and consistency checks are performed - update and upload documentation, if on master - upload new releases, if a tag was pushed .. graphviz:: :align: center digraph { rankdir=LR; node [ shape=rectangle, fontsize=10, style=rounded, ]; edge [ fontsize=10 ]; // action nodes: { node [ shape=diamond, width=0.7, height=0.5, fontsize=9, fixedsize=true, fillcolor="#eeeeee", style=filled, ]; build; test; upload; } User -> github [label="push"]; github -> ci [label="notify"]; ci -> github [label="pull"; style=dashed, color=gray, constraint=false]; ci -> build -> test; test -> coveralls [label="report"]; test -> upload [ headlabel="tags on success", labeldistance=3.0, labelangle=-40, ]; upload -> pypi [label="release"]; upload -> github2 [ headlabel="doc", labeldistance=6, labelangle=10, constraint=false, ]; {rank = same; github2; pypi;} {rank = same; ci; build; test; upload;} ci [label = "CI"]; pypi [label = "PyPI"]; github2 [label = "github"]; } The following platforms are used: - `Travis CI`_: executes `linux tests`_ and builds documentation - `Appveyor CI`_: executes `windows tests`_, currently only for cpymad - `coveralls`_: test `coverage reports`_ are uploaded here - `PyPI`_: this is where `new versions`_ for installation via pip are uploaded The exact build recipes are defined in the files ``.travis.yml`` and ``.appveyor.yml``. The madgui/cpymad maintainer *must* make an account on both Travis and Appveyor (login with github should be fine) in order to receive reports about build and test failures. Further resources: - `Travis CI documentation`_ - `Appveyor documentation`_ .. _Travis CI: .. _Appveyor CI: .. _coveralls: .. _PyPI: .. _linux tests: .. _windows tests: .. _coverage reports: .. _new versions: .. _Travis CI documentation: .. _Appveyor documentation: