Proxy Settings

If you are behind a proxy, you have to configure several tools that require internet access to work with the proxy. This includes at least:

  • pip

  • git

  • conda

If you have modestly recent versions of conda/pip and git, the easiest and most reliable way to setup their proxy configurations is by entering the following commands in the terminal:

pip config --user set global.proxy "PROXYSERVER"

conda config --set proxy_servers.http  "PROXYSERVER"
conda config --set proxy_servers.https "PROXYSERVER"

git config --global http.proxy  "PROXYSERVER"
git config --global https.proxy "PROXYSERVER"

with PROXYSERVER taking the format:


Specifically at HIT, the value must be as follows:

with your windows login credentials. Note that at HIT the correct protocol is http:// (not https) for both the http and the https config entries. Both entries should be assigned identical values!

Verify that your configuration is correct by looking at the output of:

conda config --show

pip config --user list

git config --global --list

If the above command lines do not work with your version of git/pip/conda, make yourself a favor and update! If you cannot, see below for manual configuration of these entries.


The conda proxy settings can be defined in the .condarc file. On linux the location of this file usually is ~/.condarc, on windows it usually lives under C:\Users\USERNAME (or %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%). At HIT, these settings should look as follows:

    http:  PROXYSERVER
    https: PROXYSERVER

with PROXYSERVER as above.


The pip config file can live in several different locations depending on your system. On linux, the path is usually ~/.config/pip/pip.conf or ~/.pip/pip.conf on older versions. On windows, it should be in %APPDATA%\pip\pip.ini or %HOME%\pip\pip.ini on older versions. Please make sure that you have the correct path, before proceeding.

The file content should look like this:


with PROXYSERVER as defined above.


The git configuration file is called .gitconfig. On linux, it usually lives directly in the home directory, i.e. ~/.gitconfig. On windows, the location can differ based on which git installation is used. If you use the standard git for windows, it is usually in %USERPROFILE%\.gitconfig. You can enter %USERPROFILE% in the explorer location bar to get there. The content of this file should look as follows:

    proxy = PROXYSERVER

    proxy = PROXYSERVER